This method will talk you through how to turn your FG or AG boots, into an FG/SG hybrid. (There are multiple methods to do this, but this is the way we did it)
You Will Need:
> Coping Saw
> SandPaper
> Stanley Knife (Optional)
> Hammer
> Drill
> 3mm and a 6mm Drill Bit
> M5 sized Tee Nuts of various lengths (depending on thickness of soleplate)
> Studs
Around £10 all in.
How To Do It:
Start out by marking which studs you want to convert. We chose the front two, middle two and also back two as we thought this would give us the best coverage.
Take the drill using the 3mm bit and drill where you are wanting the centre of the stud to go.
Once you are happy with this and it is in a position in the footbed where the tee nut will fit, drill through this hole with the 6mm bit. You have now created the hole where the tee nut will fit perfectly.

Place the tee nut in the hole and slightly hammer it in. You should be able to see it from the bottom of the soleplate and it is here where you will put the stud in and start to tighten it. This will draw the tee nut further into the footbed and will eventually become flush. This is the first one done.

Repeat the steps for the rest of the studs and there you go... a completed soleplate conversion ready for those winter pitches.
